My goal here is to provide a place where anyone that knew Brother Ron, or knew of him, can post a comment. If you want to write something long, please email me ( with your comments.
I will collect the posts and put together the collection and give them to the family.
What Happened?
Brother Ron went flying Tuesday afternoon. When he didn't return by supper, his wife, Kay, called a family near the airport. They found his car but no plane and it was after dark. Brother Ron didn't fly after dark.
The authorities were called but pretty much by the time they started to search, fog rolled in and they had to cease. The calls began to go out to the family, friends, and church members to either come search for him or pray.
My son and I arrived after 3:00 am. It was obvious that there was no sense of urgency. Bob Ritchie was the first person I talked to. "Ronnie found him and he has passed", he said quietly as we hugged.
It appeared to me that half the church was there, standing in a circle and remembering our pastor and friend. Hugging, crying, or just looking shocked.
My thinking is that he probably had a medical emergency and was coming in for a landing. I believe he may have been dead before he crashed.
The one thing we know is that he is now with the Lord that he served so faithfully.
Blessings, Joe Crawford
PS. Please feel free to leave a comment by clicking on "Comment." Please sign your name at the end of your post. Thank you.
I am married to Pastor Fenwick's son, Ron. Pastor married us on November 2, 2007 at their home church and it was so easy to see the love and respect the members had for THEIR pastor....he and I had just begun our journey as father and daughter in law and I will continue to learn and appreciate him through his family and especially his son. I will always be proud to call him my 'Maryland Dad'.
I knew Ron since before either of us was saved. (I knew Sister Kay since maybe 14 or 15?) We both played in rock bands. He got saved before I did, and one day when he was a senior at LPHS, he sought me out and began talking to me about standing before the Lord one day - how was I going to answer for the deeds done in my body?
I didn't accept the Lord that day, but he continued to witness to me, and months later I gave my heart to the Lord at a little chapel.
The next time I saw him, I told him I got saved. He said, "Praise the Lord! Now you need to learn how to witness!" Right then and there he taught me the Romans Road, gave me some tracts and called over a mutual acquaintance, and told them I had given my heart to the Lord, had me give a testimony, a tract and lead them in the prayer on the back!
He took me witnessing a few times in local pool halls and clubs, and without fail, people give their hearts to the Lord.
All these years later, I am still walking with the Lord, have served overseas as a missionary, have planted a church and serve as an FBI Chaplain at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC. I still treasure the times when Ron taught me to be a soul winner and helped me get my feet on the right road.
I will miss him, and look forward to seeing him when we are all in Heaven. I am praying for Sister Kay and the family.
Chaplain Steve Davis
301-659-0194 cell
Pastor Ron was a great "Preacher". I remember anytime we wanted something he would say, "Just Pray about it." So many times I wanted the answer right then and there but knew he was much the wiser. We had some ups and downs but my husband and I really loved Pastor Ron. Although we left the church and moved to North Carolina we never stopped thinking about Pastor and his family. Pastor Ron has always been such a blessing to my son and I will never, ever forget him and will always continue to pray for his family that has been left behind. We love you "Preacher" and because of you, God will continue to work in our lives.
Angel & Kenny Kolbe
I want to thank every person that has contacted our family. We need God's people and your prayers to get us through.
I can say that my husband, Ron Fenwick, was the best Christian that I have ever known. He walked with God and set a very high standard for himself and his daily soul-winning. He witnessed faithfully 365 days a year for over 37 years! After his morning devotions, his next priority was to find a lost sinner and present the Gospel to someone who had never heard how to be saved!
He was certainly "a man after God's own heart."
It is undescrible the pain and how much my children and I will miss him. But to those of you who knew him, the greatest tribute that you could give to him would be.....seeking lost souls and telling them how they could know the Lord as Savior.
Yesterday, the very last person that my husband led to the Lord on this earth, came to church and walked the aisle. Also, a man that my husband had met when we had taken a guest preacher out to eat, came to our church and accepted Christ as Savior. What a blessing it is to see his work still carrying on!!
Thank you again for revealing your thoughts about Ron and how he impacted your lives! Keep on keeping on for the Lord!
Sister Kay and family
I am Becky (Fenwick) Heberle! I had the greatest dad to ever walk on this earth! I miss his terribly and am really looking forward to heaven.
I was always a daddy's girl, and had a very close relationship with dad! It had been very hard on me being in Australia for the last four years,and I had so many great plans for this time of furlough that we were going to be here. One of the main things I wanted to do, was to let my children get to know their wonderful granddad! Also, I really wanted to have some father/daughter chats.... Little did we know that we would only have two short weeks with him, and then he would be taken to heaven.
God has been so good to us! I am so glad that I got to be here with him for a little while. It would have been so hard, if we were still in Australia and hadn't seen him in several years. God has given us His strength and grace, but the pain is deep too! Please, keep all of us in your prayers.....we need it more than we ever have in our entire lives!
Thank you to everyone who has been so good to us! We Love you!
He was my pastor and my family's pastor for many years. He taught me a lot and I am truly grateful to have had him and his wife in my life. Brother Ron could explain my questions about things biblical better than any pastor I have spoken with. He always made me think about where I was going with my life as a Christian. I will never forget the help he has given to me and my family along with his friendship. He truly was our friend and we love him dearly. I have tons of his sermons on tape and I cherish everyone. God be with you sister Kay and all of your family. We love you and will always have you in our hearts and in our prayers.
Keith & Liz Watts
The Shepard Has Been Smitten: Some thoughts about Brother Ron Fenwick by Leslie Cummings, WBC member since 1984
When I first heard about Brother Ron's passing, two verses of Scripture came to mind, Zechariah 14:7 from the Old Testament and Mark 14:27 from the New Testament and I got on my knees and prayed for our church.
When I first heard Brother Ron teach and preach, I was very impressed by his Bible knowledge. He encouraged me to study and learn certain verses that would help me with my Christian walk.
I became an avid student and quite the know-it-all in Adult Sunday school classes. I believe that it pleased him to know that I was paying attention. Well one fine Sunday morning, Brother Ron was teaching from the Book of Matthew.
As the lesson progressed he asked this question. ”Does anyone know what the were the first words quoted by Jesus when he began his earthly ministry?" I was so smug and so sure, that I blurted out the wrong answer!
The smile on his face was priceless as he realized that Ms. know-it-all had finally gotten a question wrong. (answer: Matthew 4:4).
Since that day, I have been more determined than ever to "study to show myself approved ..." (2 Timothy 3:15) just as Brother Ron had. Brother Ron was my pastor and spiritual mentor, and a friend. I pray everyday that I will not "...become weary with well-doing..." (Galatians 6:9) and continue to honor his service to our Lord by helping to keep the pews of Woodlawn Baptist Church filled with those "... who hunger and thirst after righteousness..." (Matthew 5:6,) because that is what is required of me and what Brother Ron would have wanted me to do. (Deuteronomy 10:12-13)
Leslie Cummings
Some may remember Pastor rejoicing over God blessing him with meeting so many war veterans (heroes) and many other fine people. Well, I can say the same, except I had the great privilege of knowing (and having pray for me) one of the greatest "Spiritual War Heroes". My Pastor was truly an amazing person.
A few days from now will be my own dad's birthday. He has been in Heaven now for over 16 years. My dad was an amazing soul-winner as well. However, Pastor went above and beyond just soul winning. He was in constant soul search!
I am so thankful that God brought me to Woodlawn and was so merciful to give me such a great Pastor! I do and will truly miss him. I know my Pastor prayed for me and my family. I am sad that my son and daughters will not be able to grow up under his direct example and wise counsel. However, I know that God doesn't make mistakes and His plans are surely better than mine.
Sister Kay, I thank you both, as I have in the past, for being such a godly example to me. Thank you for giving so much of yourselves to us! You both truly exemplify my life verse Micah 6:8.
I am continually praying for you Sister Kay and the rest of the family as well. I love you all!
Carrie Moorman
I have had the blessing of knowing preacher for 34+ years. I met preacher and Kay when I was 8 years old and to make a long story short, they were salvation to me and my family. Preacher loved us, and gave of himself to our family as he displayed what a real Christian was before our eyes. Preacher is the one that set Dan and I up. He would take Dan soulwinning on Thursday nights and tell him about me and tell him that he should date me. He performed our wedding ceremony 22 years ago and has counseled us and taught us and loved us over the years.
For the past five years I have had the privilege of going to God in prayer on preachers behalf on a daily basis in the matter of his soulwinning vow to God. Preacher called us prayer warriors, but we simply took God’s Word and claimed His promises on preacher’s behalf. He gave us too much credit for what was our reasonable service.
I think of the verse in Romans that says, I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me; and Job 16:21 says "that one might plead for a man with God"
I briefly talked to preacher on the phone at 2:58 in the afternoon on Tuesday, Sept. 9th. I listened as preacher told me how he was clearly able to present the gospel to a teenage girl without any hindrances. We rejoiced in the fact that God answers prayer!
Preacher was an encourager, I always left his presence encouraged, never discouraged.
I will remember my preacher as the Lord’s very faithful servant that feared and loved Him! He was steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord and his labor was not in vain in the Lord!
Angie Beeman
Ps. 34:8
He was my family's pastor for many years. I am so thankful that God brought my family to Woodlawn many years ago, I know Pastor prayed for my family and me. He performed the wedding ceremony of my son's William and John.
It was a sad day with I went back to my other church Riverdale, but Pastor new why. I missed his preaching and I miss all my friends at Woodlawn, I will remember Br Ron as the Lord’s very faithful servant that feared and loved Him.
Since that day I still pray for his family. Brother Ron was a great pastor. I cherish the time we had with him and the church. My children were very small the day I put them on the big blue bus never knowing the impact this church would have or your lives.
Pastor taught my son William about the lord for many years. My son loved Br Ron I remember William coming home at 12 years old and telling me Br Ron told him about soul winning. William was a very shy boy, but he loves it.
To know now that my son is now the Pastor of Br Ron’s church, make's me very proud.
One thing I know is that Brother Ron is now with the Lord that he served so faithfully. He is looking down at his church and is very proud of his congregation and my son that he taught.
Thank you, and May God Bless you all, Mary Tyson
I came to know today that Pastor Ron is with the Lord. I am very saddened by the news, but I am also glad that he is with the Lord and will see him very soon when the Lord comes back. I used to go to Woodlawn baptist church more than 12 years ago. I remember when the pastor came to my apartment in 1984 and invited me to come to church, at that time I had just come from India. I got saved in the church and I remember his great sermons which was very encouraging. I remember when he visited me when i had car accident and was not able to walk in the late 80's. In 1998 We moved from MD to Northern VA and got settled there. I got married and has a 3 year old son.
My prayers are with his wife and his three children
How sorry I am to just find out this news today. Pastor Ron was instrumental in my coming to KNOW Christ over 30 years ago and I was glad to call him my friend. We have lost touch over the past 25 or so years but I have never forgotten his investment in my life and his commitment to witness to an unbeliever everyday was a great example for me to follow. Kay, I pray you are feeling the prayers of God's people everyday as you await a great and grand reunion some day in Glory.
Mike Houtz
Pastor Fenwick came to my home about 18yrs ago. During one of his visits I rededicated my life to Christ. My four children and I attended the church for several years. I still remember his jokes and his love for the Dallas Cowboys. Kay- I am so sorry for your loss. I wish you the best. Dawn (Muir)
The one year anniversary is nearing and please keep our family in your prayers...
Stacey Fenwick
Pastor Fenwick went out to witness every day. When I went with him, I would be concerned about having enough gas to get where we were headed. Pastor Ron had great faith! He said this gas gauge on "E" didn't mean Empty, it always meant "Enough" when doing the work of the Lord.
Mike Sevier
Pastor Ron was a blessing to us! I still have some notes from sermons he preached in the 70's. His semons and studies were so practical. Looking forward to that "Homecoming".
Nancy Sevier
It was at this time one year ago today that I received a phone call. It is rare that phone calls at 1:15am are good.
This call was not good. My best friend was missing and the members of our church were being called to go looking for him. He was the Pastor of the church.
By the time I arrived at the location where everyone had gathered, I knew he was found and not good.
Bob, another longtime friend, approached me and said, “he has passed.”
I have spent the year crying and reflecting and deciding what it is that I can do to progress in my walk with God.
I count it an honor and blessing that I was able to call Dr. Ronald Fenwick, (Ronnie as I once called him,) my friend.
Blessings, Joe Crawford
I'm still waiting till I can pen my thoughts, however, I felt compelled to post at least something brief.
My family and I were member's of Woodlawn for yrs and to this day have friends still there faithfully serving the Lord.
It was such a tragic loss and one still felt today. He was a blessing to many and countless are in heaven or on their way due to his endless drive to see souls saved! RIP....but then again we all know he has for a yr now!
God Bless Kay, Ronnie, Becky and Tommy.
Tecia Norton
We met Bro. Ron & Kay 37 yrs. ago at the First Wesleyan Church in Cresaptown, Md. He was going to hold a Teen Revival for our teens.
We had only been saved a short time and when he began preaching, I remember thinking, this young preacher sure is "on fire" for the Lord!
We learned more and more about Bro. Ron and Kay from Bro. Pease....never dreamed that one day the Lord would allow us to work with them for 13 yrs.
Those were wonderful years, full of great victories for the cause of Christ....accomplished through a Spirit filled Preacher who taught his people by example.
Bro. Ron was the greatest soul winner we have ever known. Those blue buses have a special place in our hearts and we still get very excited when we hear any news about God's blessing on Woodlawn.
Sister Kay, you are a polished jewel for the Lord and we love you, Becky, Ron and Tom very much. "What a day, glorious day that will be."
Jim and Tina Knoche
i miss the pastor i loved him so much . he awsome i knew that he loved the lord so much. he had gotten so many people saved. we all know that we will all be up there with him.
love , victoria(vicki) payne
It is unreal to believe 2 years have come and gone. The memories of a father, pastor and friend are all kept close to heart. Please continue to pray for the family as only time and prayer will heal their wounds....
Ron and Kay lived across from my family in Allentown PA. I was in high school at the time. After school, he would take me soul winning
door to door. I was also a groupie of the Total Victory Trio. Great times! I have never met anyone who loved Jesus more than Ron and Kay.
David J. Parramore
Brother Ron was a great example of how to a walk with God should be. I remember how selfless and loving he was, and above all how accepting he was. It was easy to see that he was filled with God's love. I'm glad to say that I knew him, but I'm even happier knowing that the separation is only temporary and we'll see him again.
I am sorry to learn of the passing of Pastor Ron. I believe that the Lord had sent him to save me and my kids. I was saved and baptized in 1992 as a single parent after my first wife went to be with our Father two years earlier. My oldest girl accepted our Father and was baptized too. It's been too many years but over the past 20 some years, we all have matured in Him.
Brother Ron was always positive, a can-do attitude, and an example of how we should walk with our Father. I know that we will meet again. All our love to the Fenwick family and Woodlawn family too.
For His glory,
John, daughters Megan and Sonia
I always loved Pastor Fenwick. Many great stories from this church.
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